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Ford Cortina Mk II & 1600E Owners’ Club Limited |

My life in Cortina World began in 1981 after my brother bought a 1600E. I went along to a branch meeting and ended up buying a nice E in Aquatic Jade. It was then, that I joined the South West Midlands Branch of the National 1600E Owners Club, participating in its many activities before becoming the Branch Organizer for 15 years. In the mid eighties I founded ‘Cortina Day’ at Symonds Yat and with the dedication of my fellow branch members, their wives and girlfriends, went on to develop the biggest and most successful, 'Cortina only' show that it is today!
After crashing my first 1600E, I acquired another car this time in Aubergine. Then having a really awful re-spray carried out by a company in Bristol, I under went a three year battle to sue them, and with the pay out I went on to buy my Savage CAN 187H 8th June 1990 from Bow in London. |

The nice thing about my Savage was, although it was known to the Savage Register, no one had ever seen it! My first show with it was the then 1600E Owners Club National Rally at Lilford Park in Northamptonshire in July 1990. After a quick tidy up of the car a couple weeks before the National, I was pleasantly surprised to win second place in the judging. ‘Was this the seed that was sown, for me to eventually have the car that I have today’?
For the forthcoming years it was always my intention to enjoy driving my car, as for the previous three years, I was without a Cortina. During the next nine years I spent a lot of time and money improving all areas of my Savage, including a full re-spray and continued winning the odd competition at club level. |
Two highlights in this period was taking part in the Cortinas' trip to Cortina D’Ampezzo, the ski resort in Italy from where the name came from and in 1992 joining forty other Cortinas' of all variants to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary since the production of the MK1. The other was Jeff Uren’s 25 year anniversary of his company, 'Race Proved Performance and Racing Equipment Limited' and of course the birth of the Savage. I was delighted to win Car of the show, this trophy being donated by the Ford Motor Company. I’ve also been a National judge, judging the club’s top cars and enjoyed inspecting them at close quarters under the direction of Dave Marson, who was head judge at the time and a very good friend that inspired me with his superb Concours restorations that he carried out to his cars over the years. |
As well as being the ex ‘Savage Register’ events organizer I’m the Savage registrar for my club the 'Ford Cortina Mk11 and 1600E Owners Club Limited'. Those of you who know me will know that when I do something, I will do it to my best ability and when I say I’ll do something then I will, its takes a lot to stop me! When I set out to restore my Savage it was with 100% commitment to making it Concours, with out it I would not have succeeded.
I would like to take this opportunity to give a special mention and express my gratitude to my ex wife Alison who over the 21 years we were together gave me her full and total support in everything I did, both as a club member and all I did with my car. To my two wonderful daughters, Chloe and Kelly who put up with so much in my pursuit of my hobby and the time I lost to them as a father. |
At the foot of the mountains, Cortina D’Ampezzo 1992.